Brunschwig & Fils
Brunschwig & Fils
Brunschwig & Fils

Jules says...

" I would use this to recover an old dark hardwood long bench in an entry way. Helping to brighten the space and put a smile on peoples face!"

What we’d use it for






View In Yards

Amount available

4 Metres

Brunschwig & Fils

La Coche Strie

Apple Green

£50 /metre

Quantity (metres)

Minimum order requirement not met.

There is not enought stock to add more.


A lovely thick apple green linen from Brunschwig & Fils.

Product details

Colour: Apple Green

Material: Linen Mix

Width: 142cm

Vertical Repeat: -

Horizontal Repeat: -

Weight: Medium

Martindale: -

Notes on buying

All measurements are approximate. Colour may vary from screen to screen. For more information please read our FAQs or get in touch with our team.


Delivery & returns

Our fabrics are available to be shipped to the UK, EU and USA. See our estimated shipping costs and returns information.

Shipping from

United Kingdom

Jules says...

" I would use this to recover an old dark hardwood long bench in an entry way. Helping to brighten the space and put a smile on peoples face!"

What we’d use it for






Shipping Estimates

Under £150 Over £250
Shipping to the UK Based on weight Free
All Orders
Shipping Worldwide* Based on weight

* Taxes and delivery fees exclusive of respective import duties and customs fees. Please be aware we cannot accept responsibility for any liable import charges upon delivery.

A Note On Samples

Our in-house stock is limited, so fabric samples are often very small. Some can be as little as 2cm x 5cm, and are therefore best used for colour matching and to get a feel for the fabric. Contact us for further questions.

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