02 Feb 2024

The Best Places to Hang a Mirror in Your Home

Black framed large mirror with scalloped edges.

A well-placed mirror can be the finishing touch a room needs, making it feel brighter and bigger.

It may sound simple, but hanging a mirror can be one of the more tricky aspects of home DIY. Don’t fear, we’re here to share our top tips and tricks to make sure your mirror is functional and fabulous!

  1. To make the most out of the natural light in your home, hanging a mirror on a wall adjacent to a window will bounce light and open up a space.
  2. If practicality is more your thing, the obvious choice is above the sink in a bathroom - top tip: to make the mirror central, measure the width of the sink and find the middle point. Measure the same on the wall and et voila, you have a perfectly central setting.
  3. Think about what the mirror will be reflecting, you don't want to be staring at corners of clutter or dark spaces!
  4. Like pictures, mirrors can be used as a focal point, so consider sizing and style and have fun with it!
  5. Hanging mirrors in sets of 2 can bring symmetry to a space and make it feel bigger and more spacious.
  6. Think about your decor, does the mirror fit with the design or would it work better elsewhere?
  7. If you're hanging above a mantelpiece, positioning the mirror approximately 4-5 inches above will prevent a shadow from being cast below.
  8. An obvious but important point - consider proportions, to make sure the mirror is functional it should be placed at head height!