I fell in love with a piece of fabric recently but there was only 1m available, which left me thinking 'What are my options'. So I came up with a list I thought I would share:
1. Cushions - Depending on the size, and if you use a pattern on both sides (I often put a plain on the back) you could make 1-4 cushions with this amount of fabric.
2. Upholstery - this is enough to cover the top of a blanket box, or if you wanted it on a chair you could use your fabric for the centre and cover the back and sides in another design.
3. Kitchen Chairs - you probably have enough here to do 4 kitchen seat pads
4. Lampshades - plenty here to do two matching lampshades up to 40cm wide.
5. Bed Blanket - find some backing and wadding for the middle and make it into a nice blanket to go at the end of your bed.
There are more ideas than this but hopefully, it gets you thinking about your options!